So the month of February has been deemed National Sickness Month at the Wade house. Its hard to believe but the kids are sick yet again. Madison and Dawson have been passing things to each other all winter but this month has been the worst. Were back to very wet congested coughs, continuous running noses, fever, so on and so forth. Dawson has been SUPER ill the past few days at will throw a temper tantrum at the drop of a hat right now. I'm not sure if its just because hes feeling so crappy or maybe were starting terrible twos a little early?? I think its because he feels so bad. So Saturday morning Allison loaded the kids up for a Doctors visit and Dawson has a sinus infection, and Madison has an ear infection..... SIGH
Hopefully this will be the last of the winter illnesses...
So sorry for such a delay in posting. Last week was a crazy one and having sick kids on top of crazy week means you don't have any time to sit and type... I promise to to better
Last night Dawson said " Love you" Isn't that the greatest!! It sounded like " luf you" but that's close enough to me. We are so happy he is learning words like he is.
Well we hope everybody has a great Monday and please know how much we appreciate all of you.
Our love to all
Jeff and Allison
"Love you" ... that is amazing!Feel better Wade family.Enough already.
AWWW!!! "love you"...that brings tears to my eyes. i long for the day we hear that, until then we take all the smiles and hugs we can get!! hope everybody gets better soon, you all have defintely had more than your fair share! connor would love mr. monkey!!!
Sorry you all have been feeling bad lately! Praying for no more sickness! How amazing to hear Dawson say "love you." Jackson has his favorite monkey too! He sleeps with him every night. Feel better soon!
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