Tuesday, March 17, 2009

bad night sleep

Dawson has never been the best sleeper... It's no secret. Buuuuuut the past couple of months he has gotten into a better sleeping pattern at night. He has always been easy to get to sleep, the trick is keeping him asleep. So he has only been waking a couple of times a night ( which is a dream come true for us) with the exception of last night.. He fought sleep, tossed and turned, flipped around and around, cried, SCREAMED, cried some more, and just would not get to sleep.

What a stinker!! In his defense, he almost seemed like he was in pain or something. He never acts like that unless he is hurting or is sick. So we did the Motrin thing and eventually he went to sleep.. Sigh

Hopefully tonight he will be back to his old self again..

When you've been spoiled with sleep, and then get deprived of it, it seems to hurt just a little more.

Thanks for your continued prayers and support

We love u all

Jeff and Allison


Monica~ James~ Connor said...

Poor little guy! (& mommy & daddy too!!!) I so miss a good night of sleep. Hopefully it was just a little pain from something and will be better soon. Could it possibly be his ears? Take care!

Danielle said...

Can we ever relate the sleep sagas! I'm thinking Trev's 2 year molars are coming in. But I haven't gotten up the courage to poke around & find out for sure! He's got some chompers on em'!
