Sunday, March 8, 2009

Spring has sprung

What terrific weather we've had this weekend!! The kids finally got to spend a weekend outdoors and there is no place they would rather be.

Dawson has a great time wandering around outdoors and so far his favorite place to be is in the driveway playing with the gravel. He swishes it around with his hands and then picks up handfuls and throws it... He is all boy!!

He is still doing just awesome. Allison and I got to go to dinner Sat night ALONE ( which was the best) and we were both talking about how we are still in such awe at how well hes doing. Its not something we talk about everyday or even every now and then anymore. But even though we don't speak a lot about it, there is not a one single day that we don't praise God for this miracle we call Dawson. He is a walking, talking, running, eating, mess making miracle. He is smart, he is extremely sociable, he is funny, and greatest of all he is seizure free!!

His language skills are still blossoming right now and he is saying more and more every day. He is even starting to put two words together such as " more please." and of course he signs it as he says it..

So that's about it for us right now. No news is good news. We are just enjoying the gifts God has given us.

We hope you all have had a great weekend!!

Our love to all

Jeff and Allison


Reagan Leigh said...

I just wanted you to know that I still read every blog entry and praise God every night for the gift he has given your family. Seeing kids like Dawson become seizure free gives us all hope for our own little ones. Keep it up Dawson! You are truly a walking miracle!

Danielle said...

Trevy's an outside guy too! And a gravel smushing & throwing guy! lol Boys...

Enjoy your little miracle!
