Look at what we woke up to this morning!!! When you live in Alabama, you very rarely see anything like this so this was a pleasant surprise for the kids. Ive been hoping for Spring to arrive and this is NOT what I had in mind for March 1st. Did that big overgrown rat see his shadow???? must have..
Anyway we made the best of it and the all the kids got to go out and play in it for a while. Dawson wasn't too sure what to think of it, and as long as he was holding mommy's hand he was OK with it. Me and the girls had a big snowball fight and of course there were snow angels made.
So now that we've had some snow can we please bring on the warm spring weather??
I don't want to curse us but I don't think anybody is sick right now ( knocking on wood, rubbing lucky rabbits foot, getting out four leaf clover) Last week Dawson had a pretty nasty fever for a couple of days and for the first time in a month I can say that today all the kids are well..
I haven't mentioned anything about Katelin in a while and just wanted to let you guys know she is still doing really well. She is getting a half unit of insulin for every 40-60 carbs she eats and that equals to getting a shot with every meal. She is still handling it very well and is very aware of when her blood/sugar gets to low. I know there is a ton of research going on with Diabetes right now, and we sure hope that a cure is found sometime in her lifetime. Our wish for her is to be a carefree kid, but right now Diabetes is a 24/7 disease that has to be managed 24/7.
In the meantime, Dawson is busy just being Dawson. A happy, healthy, walking, talking, eating machine.
As always, thanks for stopping by to check on our family. We love you all!!
Jeff and Allison
We got snow here, too. Ame loved it! Little man is still doing well. He lost his umbilical cord last night. Glad y'all are well. Love you!
I'm sick to death of snow! Ugh!
But happy Dawson & co got to enjoy some!
we got 6 inches from that storm!! we too don't get much snow. it was the first real storm in 5 years. i'm over it and ready for the 70 degrees they are prediciting this weekend. glad dawson got to experience it though!
Same storm we got! Man it was a beautiful sight huh? We got 8 inches of it here in Tn usually we only get one good one a year but we havent had that much since Caleb was 18 months old so 6.5 years ago. It was long overdue!
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