Holy Cow--are my eyes deceiving me or is Dawson closing the gap on Madison?! Good thing you're getting an early start on that basketball career!! Looks like you guys had fun!! Love ya:) (PS-Please pray for the tests coming up this week)
Happy Belated Birthday little friend!! Those are great pictures with some great smiles! Looks like he really racked up on the gifts. How does he like the leap frog puppy thing? i saw that the other day at Target I was thinking Connor might like it.
Dawson was born Sept 4 2007 and was diagnosed as having Infantile Spasms when he was 2 months old. Infantile spasms are a rare seizure disorder. Our story is one of faith and hope. Dawson now has multiple seizure types as well as developmental delays. We are prayerful that we will be able to find a way to stop the seizure monster that lurks in his brain. Your prayers and support mean the world to us.
Holy Cow--are my eyes deceiving me or is Dawson closing the gap on Madison?! Good thing you're getting an early start on that basketball career!! Looks like you guys had fun!! Love ya:)
(PS-Please pray for the tests coming up this week)
Happy birthday Dawson! I can't believe how big he's gotten. He is such a cutie!
What a fabulous smile!
LOVE the pictures! So glad it went well! Sorry we couldn't make it! Love you guys!
Happy Belated Birthday little friend!! Those are great pictures with some great smiles! Looks like he really racked up on the gifts. How does he like the leap frog puppy thing? i saw that the other day at Target I was thinking Connor might like it.
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