They FINALLY came in around 1:00 and got him all hooked up. He had JUST finally fallen asleep when they showed up. Bunch of meanies
He is back asleep now and resting comfortably. I don't know a lot about these things but im watching his EEG while hes sleeping and it looks like an absolute mess.
I don't want him to have another one of those episodes, but in a way, while were here and all hooked up, i kinda do so we can at least have some resolve.
Well update again later.
Yeah, looking at that EEG is for me the visual equivalent of Charlie Brown's teacher--"wha-wha-whaa...":)
Praying for clarity and answers, and comfy beds!! Love ya!:)
Just checked in and ... wow.Will be praying like crazy that the stay yields some answers and that you guys find your way out soon.You may know what I am going to say but I'll say it anyway ... we,the unfortunate veterans of countless EEG's like to THINK we know how to read those sqiggles but you know,we are best served letting the so called experts sort it out.I wish sometimes we weren't drawn to watching the darn monitor.Like some magical answer is going to just pop off the monitor by just staring at it long enough!We will continue our prayers here and kiss that sweet little guy from his girlfriend here in California please.
thank you Heather and I think I will take your advice and just turn the monitor OFF so I wont be so tempted to pretend I know what those lines mean
Oh my goodness...I am just checking in! I'll be saying EXTRA prayers for Dawson! Hang in there....I am so glad you are getting an EEG now and hopefully some answers.
Keeping fingers crossed that they will be able to sort out the new apnea spells that Dawson is having. I wish my lads EEG looked like Dawsons.My guys looks like you gave a crayon and a small child scribbled all over it.
Hang in there.
Ger and the Cats in the Bronx
You would've thought that i had picked up something on how to read those blasted things in almost 3 years, but it STILL looks jibberish to me. I agree with heather, let the experts deal with the readings. Just be there for Dawson & allison & take care of yourself too! As scary as those episodes are I hope that he can get something on there so that they don't just send you home without any answers.
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