Yesterday afternoon around 2:00 Dawson had another really bad seizure. It presented itself kinda like the episode he had a couple of weekends ago. It hapened while he was at granny and grampy's house. He did quit breathing for a short while and had episodes of being limp along with being stiff and jerky at times. Afterwards he was really really sleepy of course and when he would rouse he was incredibly fussy and then would go right back to sleep. The concerning thing about all of this is that five hours later he was still very letharic. I called Dr. Bebin and she wanted him taken to our local hospital to make sure he was stable and then she wanted him transported by ambulance because she was concerned about him having another seizure on the way. And instead of waiting two weeks for our EEG here, she wants it done NOW. soooooo
Off to our local hospital Allison and Dawson went while I stayed behind and started packing for what is turnin out to be a long stay here.
At our local hospital he finally came back around and started acting like his old self again so we made the decision to drive him down here ourselves. I'm not really sure how much a 2 hour ambulance ride costs but I'm pretty sure I cant afford it. ( You guys know that we would have done that if it were necessary right??)
We safely arrived at UAB Children's at about 11:00 last night and had to be admitted through the ER which was a disastrous experience. We got the 24 year old male nurse who says to us...
" Sooooooo what brings you guys in tonight???" I thought OHHH BOY here we go. This is going to be a long evening. and as it turns out I was right.
We finally got admitted and up to our room at 2:30 AM. No bed for Dawson and everybody whos anybody knows that Dawson sleeps in the bed with his Mommy and there are no exceptions. Unfortunately it looks as though protocol will over rule us on this one and we are stuck with a crib and a very uncomfortable chair to sleep in for the time being.
So this morning they will come and do the hookup for a who knows how long video EEG. We are calling on our prayer warriors to please hit your knees and pray for Dawson. We hope this EEG will give light to these new developments and how to treat them. We will keep everybody posted throughout the day as things happen.
Thank you for your prayers.
We are at UAB Childrens hospital in Birmingham room 403 and will be moving to room 428 later on today if anybody needs to get ahold of us
We love you all
Jeff and Allison
I'm soo sorry things are so rough right now--I'm praying that this will end up being a blessing in disguise, that maybe this new 'symptom' will be what leads them to the root cause or something more definitive that we can mark with an x and fight specifically. (That's been the blessing with me getting the diagnosis--regardless of the stats, I am no longer swinging in the dark, reacting to punches that were coming from a source I couldn't see since my teens! Now at least I've got a 'form' that I can look for, bring the light to it, and beat the hoochie-coo out of it!!) So here's hoping you get some light on your 'monster' so you can give it a beating too!! DEATH TO ALL MONSTERS!!!! (Ok, apparently I'm in a 'violent' mood right now:))
And I hope 428 has a bed, for pete's sake!
All my prayer warriors are being activated as we speak!!!!Love ya!!:)
WHOA!!! I was doing my usual blog circle & was completely not expecting this! What in the world is going on with your little guy??? I just hate seizures today! (really every day, but really today!) Keeping you guys in our prayers that you figure something out and find something to help him. I can't begin to imagine how scary thsoe spells are to witness. hang in there & give our little buddy Dawson a big {{{hug}} from us.
Oh & I so said out loud about the RN in the ER part "Oh, we just have nothing better to do so we thought we would just come & hang out in the ER tonight. DUH!!!!". Some people make me want to slam my head against the wall!!! We had to go through the ER for Connor's initial diagnosis to be admitted. It was a nightmare!! Stuck out in the hall on a stretcher, crying my eyes out everytime I looked at Connor. So sorry you had to put up with the stupidity!!
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