This Weekend we were able to escape for a long, LONG, overdue get-a-way. We went to the Marriott Grand Hotel and Spa in beautiful Point Clear Alabama which is right on the coast. We all had the best time and hated to have to leave. A big thanks to the Prattville Wades for letting us crash on the way down. Dawson was very much appreciative for not having to spend 7 hours straight in the car. ( And so were we!)
The first day Dawson seemed a little weary from traveling and didn't do so great but Saturday and Sunday he was a dream and had a blast at the pool and then we went to Gulf Shores for more fun. Grandmom and Granddad were able to go with us and we were so thankful to have them along. Be sure to ask Grandmom about her bicycle accident at the hotel!!!
Dawson traveled back Sunday for 6 hours without so much as a fuss but that 7th and final hour on the road was kinda rough. He was ready to be back home in his own environment. But all in all he and Madison did great and had a blast!!
Seizures are no better yet and we are supposed to meet with the nutritionist at the Neuro office about starting the Modified Atkins Diet. There have been several inquiries about this new testing he is going to have done soon and as we get info on it and what exactly it pin points, we will pass that along to those who are interested. Apparently its some brand new cutting edge testing..
Just last week he was evaluated with Early Intervention for developmental delays. Although we don't have the official report yet I feel as though he passed all test with flying colors. He sat in her chair and did everything that was asked of him. We are still a little concerned with speech though. He does have language skills, and they are improving, but just not at a rate that we are comfortable with. Socially he is a dream, but once again, we are concerned with these fits of anger and rage he is having... Not sure how common it is or even if its seizure/med related.
One min he is fine, the next he is having this anger fit. Of course he has now learned to find a boo boo on his leg and that's what he blames it on.... yeah right kid!!
Anyway, we are doing good and will report as info comes in on some of these issues posted here.
Our love to all and thanks for your prayers
Jeff and Allison
Looks like tonz of fun!! Glad you guys got to get away! Thanks for sharing-Love J&V:)
That looks like a blast!! Gotta love the white sands of the Gulf. I haven't been there in ages. It is so nice to be able to get away from the every day of it all & ot looks like Dawson loved every second of it (well except for the car ride maybe??) Looks like y'all have a water lover on your hands too!! Glad to hear the EI testing went well. Definitely jump on the speech early if you are concerned!!! Sorry to hear about the fits. Seems like some IS kids are kind of tempermental(?) while some are more laid back. Although I kind of like the fighters...means they aren't giving up!
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