Well, we survived. Barley it seems at times but we made it. We tried going to bed early Thurs night because we had a 7:00 AM flight to Baltimore from an airport thats an hour away from here. Madison wasn't doing well Thurs night and even got sick before going to bed. We got up at 3:30 Friday morning to start getting ready to head to the airport and Madison is still sick. It was her first time flying so I dont know if she was really really nervous ( which she tends to get) or if she had some type of virus. We made the flight in time and she even got sick on the plane.
Thankfully Mr Dawson slept most of the flight to Baltimore. The time he was awake he was kicking the seat in front of him which thankfully was empty.
Our trip to Baltimore was for Allison's cousin who was getting married. They put the entire wedding party up at this beautiful mansion that was built in the 1700's. and as you can see from the pics above my little princess was one of two flower girls. The wedding was beautiful, the food and after wedding party was like stuff you see on TV. It was just fabulous!! I even got to sneak in a dance with the most beautiful flower girl I have ever laid eyes on.
We were a little worried at first ( we thought we were staying at a hotel) that Dawson wouldn't have anything to do all weekend. Boy were we wrong. He spent the entire weekend walking throughout the mansion. Up and down stairs, all around the grounds, up and down stars, up and down the halls, and did i mention up and down all the stairs?? His seizures have gotten so bad that I just dont feel safe with him on stairs right now. He is very sturdy on his feet but these stupid seizures are knocking him down and I was so afraid he was going to have a seizure while climbing on these stairs. Sooooo... We made sure to tag as closely behind him as possible the entire time. Very draining to say the least but what fun!!!
The flight home was perfect and once again Dawson slept for the great majority of the flight. Thank you God for blessing us with a sleepy little boy during both flights!!! So here we are safe and sound. The weekend was awesome but Allison and I are both absolutely drained. Its been a long time since ive felt this tired!! Hopefully sleep finds us early tonight because tomorrow starts all the catching up on work and other things around the house that got undone this weekend.
Seizures still about the same. It still seems as though they are evolving. He is having numerous myoclonic jerk type seizures throughout the day but is still having one or two hard lengthy tonic type seizures immediately followed by spasms type jerking. They are leaving him dazed and it takes a few moments to get his wits about him again. So painful for us to watch.
We did call his neuro before we left for Baltimore with concerns about these seizures and she is thinking she wants to refer us to a Neuro in Memphis to get another set of eyes on him.. Maybe I am wrong but thats kind of like saying I just dont know what else to do for your son.
Your prayers are appreciated and we are so thankful for those who prayed for a safe and mostly uneventful trip this past weekend. More pics will be trickling in from the weekend im sure.
Our love to all and God bless
Who is the neuro in Memphis? There was a guy here in Houston that relocated to Memphis's Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital...we thought about traveling to see him at one point. His name is Dr. James Wheless and I've heard wonderful things about him as a neurologist and as a person. Might be worth the trip.
What beautiful pictures...
I am so glad everything went well for the most part. Seizures have a funny way of putting a damper on any occasion.
I will pray about which neuro path you should take...God will lead you!
Love Deb
Love and blessings to you all too.
Continued prayers for Dawson as he fights his way to seizure freedom once again.Seems to me that these kids have had to fight enough,doesn't it?Time for easy I think.
Pictures are wonderful and the mansion looks amazing and the girls,just gorgeous!
Glad ya'll had a great trip. The pictures are amazing. I'm all about a 2nd opinion. Our 2nd opinion is our hope right now. I feel the same way about our neurologist feeling like they have done all they can.
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