Sunday, September 26, 2010


This weekend has been a little odd. Dawson has always had some aggression/rage issues, but this weekend they have been probably worse than I have ever seen them before. Im not sure what the difference is but he all of a sudden becomes violent. Pinching, hitting, biting...... throwing things( lamps, books, toys, drinks) turing over furniture ( kitchen chairs)

Seriously, One minute hes fine and the next minute he is freaking out.. Its as though he is literally loosing his mind ( no pun intended with the looming brain surgery) We just dont know what to do for him.. And the other weird thing....

No seizures this weekend.. None of this makes sense. Usually when the seizures let up a little, he is in a much better mood and frame of mind. Nothing this weekend has made sense with him.. And I just wish there was something I could do!!!

You can tell he can't help it... but at the same time, it puts a bad funk in the house while all this is going on

I guess this is part of life with a special needs seizure boy

Your prayers for a more peaceful Dawson are much appreciated



DanyWhit said...

Prayers going up......

Danielle said...

Not to be all pessy (although Lord knows that's my bent!) but sometimes the subclinical activity is messing with them too.

You'd think not seeing seizures would help our hearts to relax. No such luck in seizure ville.


Hopefully surgery will be the ticket!
