Wednesday, October 20, 2010

So yeah, its kind of a one sided pillow fight, but it goes to show how well he and Madison play together now that the seizure monster sleeps. They spend pretty much every evening now doing this and chasing each other through the house. This is a whole lot more fun than counting seizures!!

Needless to say, he continues to do really well right now. I am SO happy for this special little guy!! and shame on me because I haven't even mentioned how well he is doing in school. Right now he is going 3 days a week for an hour and a half. He is getting Speech and Occupational therapy and his teachers say he is doing REALLY well. There was talk a few weeks ago about maybe doing physical therapy, but as you can see, his gross motor skills are exactly where they should be for a 3 year old. So even though he is a special needs child, he sure is teaching us a lot!!

Please remember him Friday as we go to Memphis for this MRI. We tried to set up a consult with the Neuro there but he will be out of town. Allison and I have TONS of questions right now regarding the upcoming brain surgery.

We are in the process of putting together a spaghetti supper/silent auction. All proceeds will go towards him having brain surgery and medically related expenses. We are shooting for a date towards the end of November. ( hope to have a concrete date by tomorrow) If your reading this and live in our area, we are looking for volunteers to help with this event. If interested please let me know. You can leave a comment here or on my FB page if you are able to help out. ( Many hands make light work!!!)

Thanks again to all of you who continue to pray for him. Thats the greatest thing you can do.

Our love to all of you.


1 comment:

Landon Michael said...

Glad to hear the monster continues to stay away!!!

I wish we lived close to help with the dinner!!! I hope it's a huge success!!! Prayers for all of you!