If today was going to be the day the day it was going to be 79 days ago, then tomorrow was going to be a long day. Because 79 days ago we were in Memphis at Children's Hospital talking to Neurosurgeons. Those same neurosurgeons had just days ago had found a malformation in Dawson's right frontal lobe. 79 days ago we were told that the best chance Dawson would have for seizure freedom was to have brain surgery and have a portion of his brain removed. 79 days ago we scheduled brain surgery for Dawson based on our faith, and the fact that we believe God led us directly to Memphis for a specific reason. We did not at the time know the reason, but we both felt it.
79 days ago, while in that same hospital, Dawson had his last seizures. So just in case your math isn't as good as mine, tomorrow would have been the first day of a two week, two brain surgery process. So today, instead of packing for a two week stay in Memphis, instead of spending the day filled with worry and dread.... Today, we instead are kicked back at home, enjoying a seizure free little boy. A little boy who in the last 79 days has shown remarkable progress in catching up on developmental delays that having seizures since he was two months old has caused.
When we scheduled this surgery, I had today specifically in mind. I wondered how I would feel today.. I wondered how scared i was going to be knowing I was going to place my 3 year old on an operating table. Knowing I was going to have to kiss him goodbye. Knowing I was going to have to watch him endure two brain surgeries. 79 days ago I had no idea that God had different plans for us and different plans for Dawson.
So instead of spending the day in fear, and worry, and living with all the questions that I knew I was going to have.. ( like what will he be like after they remove part of his brain??, What if the surgery is not successful and now we've complicated it by having this surgery done?? ) Instead of all that.. my thought process is one of gratefulness and thanksgiving. Thankful that God's has undeniably intervened. I am so grateful for Dawson being seizure free and grateful that his EEG is now normal.
You certainly can believe what you want, but IM telling you that Dawson is a child who has been touched by the hand of God.
A little boy who was ravaged by numerous seizures daily, who couldn't say more than one word at a time, who was violent and developmentally delayed has been transformed into a seizure free kid, who is as sweet as can be, who is full of hugs and kisses, and is now speaking more and more freely with each passing day.
79 days ago, I had no idea that our lives could have changed as much as they have..
Thank you God for your healing hand!! Guess whos having a seizure free Merry Christmas this year????
Your love, support, and prayers have meant the world to us. Thank you
Ok, you did it...I'm in tears! So amazing! I am thanking God this evening, as well! I love you Dawson, and family!!!! You are such an amazing boy and I am so blessed to have you and your family in my life! You are amazing!! Thank you Jesus for all you have done in our lives, and this evening I give special thanks for what you have done in Dawson's life!!! Amen
beautifully written....
can only imagine how humbling it must be to see your little boy's life change by the miraculous hand of God...His grace and love is all around your family...that is evident!
I'm so glad today didn't have to be a bad day for your family. God is awesome!!! Have a Merry Christmas!!!
A true Christmas miracle...
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