Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve update

Merry Christmas Eve!! Dawson woke up this morning in a great mood. He loves to be tickled and has found his laugh. Yesterday was a rough day as far as sleeping goes. Later in the day we noticed that he had not had a BM in a couple of days and wondered if that was the reason for all the fussiness. He had a big one yesterday evening ( thanks Grampy) and was back to his usual self after that.

We want to wish everybody a very Merry Christmas. Christmas has a different spin on it this year for us and we are very thankful for each other, our kids, our family, and our friends.

May God bless you and your families and we are so thankful for you and all you have done for us through your prayers.

The Wades

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear things are going well for Dawson. God bless you all.