Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wednesday March 26th update

Busy day today.  We went this afternoon for his physical therapy evaluation.  The lady that was doing his eval had no idea that he has I.S.  We were sort of confused because of the nature of the questions she was asking. Finally I stopped her and asked if she was aware that he suffers from seizures. Of course she had no idea. So upon finding that out it opened the door for a whole line of different questions.   

We went from there to see his pediatrician.  This is the doctor who made the original I.S diagnosis and got the ball rolling on his treatment as well as hooking us up with this wonderful Neurologist that we have been seeing.  He had not seen Dawson since his diagnosis and needless to say he was pleasantly surprised with what he saw today.  I dont think he expected him to be doing so well.  We are very grateful to this Doctor.  I have read a lot of stories of parents who spent a lot of time trying to convince their Pediatrician that something was wrong with their child to no avail.  Thankfully this Doctor took us seriously when we knew something wrong.

Seizures have been about the same today as they have the last few days.  He is not having them after every nap but he is still having them and that of course that just will not do.  We will not rest until they have completely stopped.

We are still very hopeful that the current meds he is on will be enough to stop them.  We hate the thought of having to start something new but if thats what it takes, thats what we will do.

Thanks again for all of your support and prayers. We love you

Jeff and Allison

1 comment:

DanyWhit said...

Good morning, guys! Glad to hear we are still doing well with no delays and seizures slacking off. I believe you guys are such an inspiration to other people, especially those with children suffering from IS. Mr. Dawson is helping so many people in SO MANY ways right now, and that is amazing!!! You guys hang in there and keep up all the courage and strength b/c you WILL get through this and Dawson WILL be okay. I love you guys!
