Ok so we survived night one. We credit this to a full size blow up mattress. Allison and Dawson slept much better on this than in those stupid chairs. And there is no way Dawson is sleeping in a hospital crib by himself.
So........ We completely rearranged our room to suit our needs and im sure the hospital staff here must think were crazy but we really don't care. Goal 1 is to make sure Dawson is as comfortable as possible. And.... since his seizures are sleep related, its pretty important that he actually goes to sleep in order to record seizures.
Speaking of which.
He has not had any of the big seizures as of this morning. Ever seen the Planet Earth series?
If so, I think this is kind of like catching that shark jumping out of the water to eat the seal. Timing and circumstances must be perfect to get that shot and I really hope we are able to catch a big seizure on EEG while were here. He did have his usual spasms early this morning and its good they can see those. BUT... We want the big one.
They have drastically reduced his seizure meds and hopefully that will bring our the monster.
So for now we wait, Dawson seems kind of restless this morning but we are glad he was able to sleep soundly last night.
Thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers
Jeff and Allison
Glad you guys had a better night than the first go round:) And we pray you get a photo opp of the 'shark' (we love Planet Earth btw--we are total nerds:)) Are there any other test they want to do, and have they given you any better indication of when they expect to discharge you?
Ok, that 2nd picture just broke my heart into a million little pieces!! such a pitiful face. Something about little boys with their little pouty faces that get me everytime. Glad he had a good night. Great idea of the blow up mattress. We might just need to sneak one into the suitcase for our trip...just incase! Love the Planet Earth reference, but that is is truly what it is like. i know it will be so scary to see him having another one of those, but now is the time. Please continue to keep us updated! You all are such fighters, and i am praying that you get the answers you are looking for. those elusive answers we are all after!! Hang in there! {{hugs}}
Praying as you wait on the monster .. and praying even more afterwards.Love form us all.
I am in awe of the awesomeness of the blow up mattress idea!
I hope you have your "seal" moment...in that sad weird way only other seizure parents can understand.
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