Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 2 Memphis A.M. Edition

Day two finds things a little more calm then compared to 24 hours ago. Dawson has settled in and as unfortunate as it is, he knows this routine all too well. Late yesterday afternoon he was finally able to get some sleep and slept the majority of the rest of the day. He woke up for a while yesterday evening and then slept all night long. Poor kid, he was really sleep deprived!!

We were starting to get a little worried about seizure activity ( or lack there of.) He went all day with out a seizure and when your here to specifically capture seizures and you dont have any...... well that stinks.. This is the only time you pray for seizures HA! Only parents of kids wth epelipsy could understand this but we want him to have lots of seizures this week. The more he has, the better the Doctors will have an idea as to whats going on, in return the better the treatment.... He did finally have some seizures last night before going to bed. It was one of the harder ones that held and we are glad to get one of those nasty things on film. After the seizure ended, i was looking at his EEG and even though the seizure had stopped, his EEG looked crazy!!! All the lines were spiking all over the place and it took a while for them to nomalize again. Just goes to show that even though the physical part of the seizure has stopped, the chaos in the brain continues!!

A neuro psycologist has been in twice to do some evaluation type things. I think they are trying to get a very specific idea as to where he is developmentally. To be honest, its heartbreaking to go through this process. Listening to him ask Dawson question after question after question and the percent that Dawson knows the answer to is pretty small. I mean its not like we dont know he has developmental issues, but being hit in the face with them is no fun. 3 years of having seizures is taking a toll on his little brain.

Were waiting on the Docs to round this morning. Im anxious to hear what he has to say today..

Pics from above are Dawson finally crashing yesterday afternoon, a little playtime next door in the monitored playrom, and EEG showing seizure activity during sleep.

Thanks for the continued prayers


1 comment:

Debbie said...

I hope you get it all...I hope all the uglies come out...I hope and pray there are answers and you are full of hope leaving their!