Monday, February 4, 2008

Monday January 4th Update

There has been a slight increase of seizure activity over the last 24 hours. He seemed to have a few after most of his naps yesterday. I wish there was some type of pattern to them but they seem to be so random.

We are gearing up for out Birmingham trip tomorrow. We are so excited about this opportunity and hope everything goes well.

Dawson was really practicing his rolling over yesterday. He can roll from stomach to back pretty easily now which is encouraging for us to see.

Say a prayer for us tomorrow as we travel and thank you for taking time to look in on Dawson.

Jeff and Allison

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We'll definitely be praying for you--Josh said in the beginning that it was a "divine appointment" and I'm so glad you guys are getting to do it! You guys are prayed for at least twice a day around here and we check the blog at least that often too! We love you and miss you, and we are believing God for the very best for Dawson!!:) Hope everyone is over the "great Wade head cold of '08"! Love, Val:)