Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thursday March 27th update

I hope everybody had as nice weather as we had today. Man was it a beautiful day.

We thought we were going to have another good seizure day today. He had two small clusters after two of his naps this morning and then after his evening nap he had 28 seizures. It has been quite a few days since he has had that many. I wish I knew why he had so many this evening. I swear none of this makes sense. Just as soon as we look like we are making progress something like this happens to knock us back down again. Sometimes I wonder how much longer we will have to endure this horrible thing.

Me and Allison, and Dawson, and Madison, and Zoe ( golden retriever) all went out for a walk this evening. We went down to the lake to walk and let Zoe swim for a while. Everybody enjoyed it and it was good to walk off a little stress. Now that it looks like Spring is going to stay around I hope to be able to start doing more and more of that.

Madison has been sick since yesterday. Snotty nose, and running a fever. We hate to see her sick and its pretty easy to tell when she is. When she wants to lay down on her own...... Shes sick!!. Bless her you can look into her eyes and tell she does not feel well. So tonight we are pumping Keppra, Topamax, and B-6 into Dawson, and Motrin and Tylenol into Madison. Our kitchen counter looks like a pharmacy and we are starting to feel more like Doctors than parents.

Pray with us for a better seizure day tomorrow.

Jeff and Allison

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm on my knees....I'm on my knees and lifting you guys up.

Uncle Jim