Friday, November 20, 2009

Back to normal

Since returning home we have fallen right back into our usual routine. Only problem is that Allison and I are still exhausted from the hospital stay. We got home that evening and the next morning it was back to work, trying to get the house back in order, needing to by groceries, trying to get a good start on the new Atkins Diet ( well talk about that in a moment) and now with all 4 kids together for the entire week it seems as though recuperation will have to wait until after Thanksgiving.

But I have no right to complain because were just glad to be home.

Still no big seizures to talk about( which makes me very happy) and we have a visit with his Neuro on Monday to discuss further all this new information from the hospital. Im very anxious
to hear what she says.

The good news is that , and I'm counting the hospital stay, were starting to string together some seizure free days here. Its been such a long time since Ive been able to say that and you have no idea how happy that makes us. The seizure monster seems to be sleeping, or at least napping, and we will take every moment and every day we can get.

There are so many people praying for Dawson right now and I know in my heart that has something to do with it too. We know first hand how powerful prayer is. We have seen God be faithful to us time and time again because of prayer.

There are so many different groups of people praying and I wish there was a way for me to show my gratitude for that but because of the magnitude of this, that is just impossible. But know that we love and appreciate every time you pray for him and for us. Its the greatest thing one can do for another.

As far as the Modified Atkins goes.... Well, Dawson is HUNGRY tonight. And keep in mind we have not met with the nutritionist yet ( doing that Monday as well) so were kinda winging it. We are finding that Dawson will eat some of the things we thought he wouldn't but it seems as though our struggle is going to come from him watching everybody else eat the things he used to be able to eat and he is not liking that very much. I don't blame him and it seems as though our eating lifestyle is going to have to change in order to get him through this.

SO. All in all, in our little corner of the world, things are going well. It seems as though Dawson is really enjoying being on only one seizure med instead of three. Were kinda happy about that too.

Again, thank you for your prayers and here's to hopefully some more seizure free days

Jeff and Allison


blogzilly said...

Seizure free days are ALWAYS a good thing. Here's to hoping...

Jackson's Blog said...

I just read you last two posts! Amazing news! I am so happy Dawson is having seizure free days! I definitely believe in the power of prayer too and there are so many praying for Dawson. I think the feedback given from the testing sounds really good and explains a lot. I pray that the diet goes well and that Dawson continues to have seizure free days!

Danielle said...

We are STILL not recoverd from our hospital stay...and it's been almost a month now. I think it goes with the seizure parent territory.

Seizure Free is wonderful!


Monica~ James~ Connor said...

Anxious to hear how Monday went!! Praying for more seizure free days!

Hope you all were able to have a fabulous Thanksgiving!