So heres the info on us for the past 24
Seizures meds back on ( Keppra ) accompanied by B6 to help with the rage issues he has on Keppra.
Dawson and ourselves are Exhausted and cant wait to get back home
Dawson,as of yesterday, started having spells and acting like a crazy person. I'm sure its a combo of different things making him act that way but hes started biting himself, and last night in order to go to sleep he had to hold a box of Teddy Grahms in one hand and a bottle of water in the other... ????
I think the biggest contributor to this is probably being completely off of seizure meds. I can't even begin to imagine what kind of effect that has to have on the brain and his moods. When hes fine, hes really fine. When hes not...... well, hes REALLY not. We hope that when we get back home in his own environment that he will settle back down again.
All things considered, he has done extremely well. Being hooked up to a Video EEG for 7 days has got to be hard. I mean i know after a while those leads have to become uncomfortable and the itching has to be pretty bad too after that amount of time.
We can't wait to give him a real bath!!
While here, I have learned a lot of new things that I just dont think would be fair to keep to myself. So I will share a few of them with you.......
Sometimes people stand way to close to you while waiting on an elevator ( scary close!!)
Wagon rides cure everything
Eating pizza, mack & cheese, and french fries everyday wreaks havock on your digestive system
( I can't imagine what my cholesterol numbers are right now)
Ronald McDonald houses are awesome!!
7 days of Spongebob Squarepants has a way of changing a man.
The divorce rate for couples staying in a hospital for 7 days has to be around 98%
( I'm kidding about that one, Allison and I have really needed each other this week and truth be told this has made us stronger!!)
Nurses stations at shift changes are the loudest places in a hospital.
Even if your 6'4 and weigh 215 lbs you CAN fit in a hospital crib. ( not very comfortable though)
No matter how many times hospital staff tells you that your child sleeping with you on an air mattress is against hospital policy and cant do it, IF you completely ignore them, and do it anyways, they will eventually quit telling you you cant do it.
7 days of Spongebob Squarepants REALLY has a way of changing a man!!
So our week is almost over, Dawson is acting like tonight is going to be another long one, and please remember him tomorrow because his PET scan is being done. They are supposed to put him to sleep and do it around 1:00, then unhook him from the VEEG after he wakes up, and then we are getting out of Dodge.
Did I mention how 7 days of Spongebob Squarepants has a way of changing a man??
Our love to all
Jeff and Allison
This post made me smile and once again reminded me why I love you guys so much.You are positive and honest and real and faithful and well ... I just love you guys.I cannot wait till you guys are home.From my all too extensive experience with hospital stays ,the kids mood and demeanor does do a nice turn around once they hit the front door.Dawson will be no different and you will soon put these days behind you but file away all these things you learned,the relevant and the not so relevant,and move forward with whatever comes your way.And what we are praying for is that sweet Dawson kicks these seizures and gets back to being his darling carefree self ... minus the rage of course!Love from California. are really loving the spongebob huh???
Thanks for the update. Isn't it amazing though how well he is doing off of the meds?? makes you wonder why take any of it at all? I would LOVE to yank Connor off of some of his. Oh, and the reason the nurses keep nagging you about the safety of the "CYA".. They want to be able to document that you were told repeatedly in case of any accident. Keep doing what you are doing though if it helps Dawson.
Good luck tomorrow during the PET scan. i'm dying to hear what you find out!! Give our little buddy a hug from his NC friends. What a trooper he has been!! (and you guys too) {{{hugs}}}
Did Dawson start biting before of after the Keppra? just wondering because my lad bites his hand that he always has blisters on his left pointer finger.
Hope tomorrow goes well and that you can get to go home.
Ger,Finian and the Cats in the Bronx
I needed a laugh today. Thanks!
You're so funny:)
Can't wait to see the "Finally Home" post!!!!:)
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