Saturday, February 23, 2008

Saturday Morning Feb 23

Good Morning!!! It is a great morning because Dawson slept 6 hours last night!!!! He went to sleep a little before 8:oo pm and sort of woke to eat a little after 2:oo am. He may have slept longer, but he was stirring and I needed a little relief if you know what I mean. We gave him some ibuprofen again and he slept on his tummy. I really think that it is the tummy sleeping part that has helped him to sleep better. Tonight we may try it without any medication.

He also rolled over from his back to his stomach this morning. He was laying slightly propped on a pillow when he rolled to his side and then made it over to his tummy!!!!! God is good. We are blessed that he is able to have these little milestones. What a special little boy!!

I would like to take a moment and say "Happy Birthday!!!!" to my mom, Pam, and my cousin, Nate, who have had birthdays this week. Happy Birthday and we love you!!!!

Thanks again to everyone for your support and prayers. We love you all!!

Allison & Jeff

1 comment:

Danielle said...

I'm totally *feelin'* for you guys with the sleep issues!
Trevor hasn't slept good since....ugh...sheesh I can't even remember! Altho we do have occasional good nights. And Dr. Neuro doesn't *think* it's brain related...altho we're not sure we concur.
At any rate...after grueling months of no sleep...and no help offered in the way of meds...and even random usages of tylenol in case it were teeth...
I finally have started using melatonin (thank you all the IS parents who gave me that advice). You can buy it at GNC...its all natural...I use cherry chewables (which I crush in his fave foods) 1 mg.
Even though his sleeping is still interruped...we have seen improvement.
And I'm assured by others who are further down the IS road...that it gets better.
I sure hope so!
All the best to you guys...