Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thursday February 21st Update

Hello everbody. Today has been a pretty good day for Dawson. He has only had one cluster of seizures today. Hopefully it will stay that way!!

Last night was a Horrible night. Shortly after going to sleep he woke up just screaming. It was like he was in a lot of pain. We would hold him and get him settled but as soon as you moved or heaven forbid try to lay him down he would just start screaming again. This went on for what seemed like forever but finally he settled and stayed asleep for a little while.

As we start to hear from some other parents whos children have I.S., that seems to be one common denomonator that everybody has. None of us are sleeping anymore because our kids cant sleep. Sleeping all night is nothing more than just a fantasy now.

We did hear from the Early Intervention people today and sombody will be coming out tomorrow to do all the paperwork. After that sombody else will be coming out to do an evaluation to see what ( if any) are his developmental delays. I honestly hope and pray we don't need their services.

Also just to let our family and friends know some of the videos posted here have also been put on Youtube. When you go to Youtube type in " Dawson Infantile Spasms" in the search bar and you will see the videos we have posted so far. Most of the videos will be happy baby videos and we will put some of Madison as well. I know its been a while since a lot of the family has seen her and this is a great way to catch up.

I also find it important to remind everybody who reads this that Dawson is doing so well because of the hundreds of people who have lifted him up to the Lord in prayer. Keep on praying because God is answering.

We love you and thank you for taking the time to check in on him.

Jeff and Allison

1 comment:

Reagan Leigh said...

Wow...I feel your pain! It's been 11 months of no sleep with Reagan! She's never slept more than a few hours at a time, but lately she's waking up at least once an hour, all night long! We're looking into possibly giving her melatonin. I don't know if you've ever heard of it, but it's over the counter, and I've heard that it can help babies with seizure disorders finally get some sleep...along with their parents! Hang in there!! You and your family are in our prayers!